Friday, March 24, 2017

Christmas festivities

December was a busy month for us as it is for most people.  Among the normal festivities, my sister, brother-in-law, and 3 kids stayed with us for a week.  The kids had a blast having their cousins around.

Now that's how you decorate a sugar cookie.

I'm not sure Corbin ever finished decorating his cookie.

Taryn ("the gift giver") drew a picture for Santa of him and his reindeer.  It was pretty cute.

I was kinda surprised Reed was willing to talk to Santa (probably because he has more of an opinion of what he wants nowadays).

Corbin had no fear either.

We left MJ for last, because we were certain this would be her reaction.

Decorating the tree is Reed's favorite part of Christmas.

Festival of Trees is one of my favorite Christmas traditions (the kids still don't love it, namely Reed, who complains about it the entire time we are there).  We try to take pictures of them in front of their favorite trees.

Corby fell asleep in the stroller, but we figured he'd like this tree considering his attire. :)

MJ's favorite part was the popcorn.

The boys liked the Nintendo tree.

This was the only time of the night that Reed was genuinely smiling- he found a Pokemon tree!

 Lots of cookie helpers....

Gathering to open Grandpa's presents.  He usually does something unique/weird/funny for all the kids.  This year each kid got a R/C car and he taped a photo of each child's face on the driver's head.  Pretty hilarious.

These boys were so cute: Jett, Corbin, Carson

Grandma got Reed a pretty cool Lego helicopter

A "secret Santa" (my dad) left these amongst other goodies on our doorstep.  The kids were so excited.

"Don't tell Monkey." (Kung Fu Panda)

Gingerbread houses with old friends (poor Reed was sick and missed it :( )

Christmas Eve breakfast

Reading "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"

The excitement could barely be contained on Christmas morning!

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