Friday, March 10, 2017

Camping trip #1

Our first camping trip of the summer was just up AF Canyon for a night.  I absolutely love being outside and in nature and I want that for my kids so badly.  However, camping with a toddler is not for the weak of heart.  It was nearly impossible and we basically just divided and conquered.

This little girl is into everything!  She is definitely our busiest kid.  She thought it was awesome to eat the coal from the firepit.

Can you guess Corbin's favorite color? ;)

She loved climbing into the fire, which became an issue once we lit the fire.

Like all 8 year old boys, Reed was obsessed with the fire.

Giant marshmallows!  We decided they weren't as good as normal sized ones.

MJ did not want to go to sleep when everyone else was having fun.  She ended up snuggling with Kevin most of the night.

The next morning

Love these kiddos

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