Monday, February 26, 2018

Girl cousins!

Taryn and Ellie have been lone girl cousins on the Wilson side here in Utah and there is quite an age gap between the two of them (MJ is around but she's a sibling not a cousin).  Taryn is constantly reminding me how sad she is that she has so many boy cousins (10 on Kevin's side, 12 on my side) and not enough girl cousins (only 3 total from both sides!).  Recently Andie came to visit from Texas and the two of them hit it off.  They are 2 years apart and there wasn't a ton of interaction when she lived her a year ago, but the tides have turned and they were in girl heaven!  It was so cute to see Taryn so excited!

Andie, MJ, Taryn, Ellie

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