Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Best. Costume. Ever. Yes, that is a walnut bra. And only spent like $1 on it (and Reed's, for that matter).
Hula girl and rocket boy
Taryn and her little boyfriends, Will and Kru
Kissing friends :)
Reed's preschool party
Cousins watching the boiling brew. Aunt Sarah is so cool!
Cousin trick-or-treating crew
This little girl got it already! She RAN from house to house.
Things got really fun when grandma showed up.
Hard to tell in the picture, but the coolest thing we saw was a fog machine shooting out bubbles! So cool to pop fog bubbles. We could have stayed there for hours!
Cousins and cousins of cousins. Trick-or-treating was a blast this year. The perfect weather certainly helped, but Reed lasted longer than he ever has in the past (he even kept up with his cousins AND kept his costume on). One bad trip finally did him in, and he claimed that his bag was getting way too heavy. Poor baby. ;) Taryn could have kept on going.....