Tuesday, June 2, 2009


What the heck are you supposed to do when your baby has refused a bottle for months and doesn't know how to drink from a sippy cup? I have like 10 different kinds: hard top, soft top, handles, no handles, straw, etc. etc. etc. He usually just chews on it and then pushes it away. Sometimes he'll take a few suckles, but that's it. Any suggestions?


the Braby family said...

Have you tried putting just a little something in a regular cup and letting him drink out of it "like mommy and daddy" just to get him used to it? Just an idea...

Nicole said...

Liam never took a bottle. He only started taking a sippy cup when he was really hungry and we were in the car. I don't know what it was about the car but he still eats more when he's in it...

Christi said...

Well, he'll get it eventually. So easy for me to say, not in the thick of things. We've had a hard time with sippy cups, too. Have you tried juice? Sometimes that was helpful...more exciting than milk, I guess. Oh, and not using a valve...they kinda choke, but figure out that cups are for drinking.

Good luck!