Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Guess who's 2?!

Taryn turned 2 on January 4. We had a low-key birthday for her since we celebrated her half-birthday in the summer with Reed (never doing that again). We had my mom over for ice cream and she opened a tutu from us and a soon-to-be refinished rocking chair from my mom. That girl was as happy as a clam. I don't know what it is with girls, but as soon as she saw the tutu she wanted to put it on and immediately started dancing! I have no idea where that came from; certainly not me. It was so dang cute though. We sure do love this little, spunky girl. A few things about our princess:
-She is obsessed with her older brother. She copies his silly sounds and phrases and often yells for him when she wakes up in the morning.
-She loves "rough housing" with Daddy; but Mommy is still #1 (unless Grandma or Oma are around).
-Fitting in with the stereotype, she loves babies and anything small. She's great at playing pretend and there is always a mommmy, daddy, (and Reed and Taryn).
-She constantly is pretending to be a dog. She loves to be fed like a dog and will often crawl around barking and licking us.
-This girl is independent and persistent! She HAS to climb in the van by herself, close the door when we come inside, take off her shoes, wash her hands on her own, etc. and if not, she will easily throw a 20-30 min. tantrum. The girl knows what she wants.
-She loves to dance. And to my dismay, she was trying to copy the cheerleaders at a BYU basketball game.
-She prefers savory food over sweet (unless it is ice cream).
-She hates getting her hair combed/done. It's sad that although she has had hair since the day she was born, she's only sported a ponytail, side ponytail, and pigtails. Not that I know how to do hair anyway.
-She is incredibly demanding and particular. We had to take away her binky when she started requesting a specific color of binky in the middle of the night. She also has to sleep with 4 stuffed animals (bear, baby, dog, giraffe), a big blanket, small blanket, and pillow. I never thought I would be that parent.
-She likes to dress-up; but she also likes to play shooting games with Reed.
-She knows her colors and can count to 3. Wahoo! ;)
-She used to love watching Dora but now prefers Diego because Reed does. Lucky for him.
-She is still so dang cute and chubby. We love having a little girl around.

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