On Friday night, we went to our ward's trunk or treat. Reed was pretty miserable to say the least. He was tired and I think a bit overwhelmed by the number of people packed into the gym. Seriously, I think our entire neighborhood heard "free food" and came on over to the church. I didn't even recognize 1/3 of the people. Once we finally got outside to trunk or treat, we went to about 5 cars and Reed had enough. He kept asking to go to our car and go home. So I walked him home and put him in bed while Kevin finished giving out candy.
Our miserable little Draco Malfoy. He had a wand but it was too much to carry. We even taught him some spells: "Expelliarmis!" and "Accio candy!" A lot of people thought he was a vampire...I guess we were too cheap to buy the actual Hogwarts robes, so we used what we had on hand. Oh well, I'm sure it's the last year we'll be able to pick what his costume will be. (P.S. I really wanted our entire family to be star-bellied sneetches--one-piece yellow pj's--how cool would that be?!)
On Saturday, we went to my brother's neighborhood to trick-or-treat with all the cousins.
Reed getting his hair slicked back in preparation.
He was so cute! He knew to say "trick-or-treat," and always said "Thanks" and "bye-bye" at the end.
Cousin Colton and Reed. I think Reed was more interested in what Colton got...
Trick-or-treating was a huge success! Especially considering the downpour! Reed didn't even care. After the first couple houses, he totally got what was going on and would run to the next house. It was awesome! However, whenever someone let him pick a piece of candy, he'd always pick "blue candy." I was a little bugged--who likes Almond Joys and Crunch bars anyway?!
Seriously, I have the cutest nephews. Good job with the Draco outfit. And Chris and I were hoping that Colton would have a full body costume again! Thanks for posting pictures--I missed not being around this year!
Hey, we had a Harry Potter this year! Too bad so far.... He's super cute. :) Note to self: teach kids the best color is orange....Reese's, mmmm.
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