Sunday, June 16, 2013

Corbin Michael

Welcome Corbin Michael Wilson!  Born 5.30.13.  8 lbs. 13 oz. 21 in.  Birth story to come...

This is the best picture I have of Corbin.  Here he is 2 weeks.  Sadly, our camera was malfunctioning in the hospital and most of the pics we took there were naked shots.  Could also be because he is our third??  I am hoping to get a nice camera in the near future.  I have big plans then. :)  


Anonymous said...

He is Perfect!!!! So cute! Can't wait to meet him! Want to call you, but know you must be crazy busy. . . so I will give you a little longer before I bug you. Hope all is well. Can't even imagine how you are doing it all- you are crazy! We WILL talk soon.

Allie said...

I love that his belly is quite rotund and that his legs are ridiculously small. Kiss that little head for me.

Arycca Brothers said...

congrats!! He is super cute!