Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Birthday balloons. The kids woke up to over 50 balloons in the living room. We should've just stopped at that, because they loved it! We were celebrating Reed's 4th birthday and Taryn's 1 1/2. We thought we wanted to celebrate her half birthday since her birthday is so close to Christmas, but now we realize that it's just not going to work for us. It was just weird telling them both happy birthday and knowing it wasn't Taryn's real birthday. Plus, I felt like it was taking away from Reed's birthday. Just too weird.
Birthday breakfast. Not my best pancake "4" but it just shows you how easy it is to please kids.
Happy birthday kiddos
Birthday big-boy bike. He was so excited! Sadly, the bike's pedals would lock up and we had to return it. Twice. He finally got to ride his new bike for real 2 days later.
Birthday sandbox for Taryn. We inherited it from a friend that moved a few days earlier. Perfect in our shaded carport.
Birthday cake. Reed decorated it with lots and lots of sprinkles. Of course I forgot the silverware, so the kids were licking the cake while Kevin ran home to get the forks.
We were too impatient, so we just ate it with our fingers. Even the adults.
Rhett, Bridger, Taryn, Reed, and Mckay
This is what Taryn decided to do with the birthday presents. She spent 10 minutes standing/dancing on this box. The kids had a great time with cousins at their family birthday party!

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