Thursday, August 4, 2011

Brotherly Love

Ever since Taryn joined our family, Reed has been in love with her. I really have not had to worry about sibling jealousy as of yet; in fact, it's quite the opposite. Whenever she is around, Reed wants to be around her. I have to worry more about him smothering her with hugs (seriously, it was a concern when she was really little though she can hold her own a bit more now). She doesn't always have the same feelings in return, but she certainly loves her brother. Reed always wants to help give her a bink, change her diaper, make her laugh and smile, etc...

...but I wasn't expecting him to feed her. (Notice the boppy and lifting of the shirt). :)


Anonymous said...

What a helper. Embrace it... think, you and Kevin could be gone for 6 hours, and you wouldn't even have to worry about coming home to feed her. Reed's got it.

See you next week. We're still on for education week. Woot Woot!

Nicole said...

That's awesome! You're lucky! I'm jealous... ;)