Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stressed or Non-Stressed?

I was sent to get a non-stress test at the hospital today. I was pretty certain I would "pass," meaning that I would still be pregnant by my Dr. appt. on Monday, therefore, still playing the waiting game. My cervix is still doing nothing! Anyway, the baby's heart rate continues to be stellar, but the amniotic fluid score was borderline. The nurse doing the test wanted to call my Dr. to see if he wanted to induce me today because of the holiday weekend and all. Considering that I am very much tired of being pregnant, I was SO nervous at the idea of being sent to the hospital to be induced today. I thought I was going to puke and have a heart attack all at the same time wondering what my doctor was going to say. Turns out, my doctor didn't want to induce me today...but I go in for an appt. and another non-stress test on Monday. I'm now trying to mentally prepare myself for that day. I've only been to the hospital one other time in my life (besides being birthed), and that was just a false appendicitis scare when I was like 13 years old (no one should ever know this embarrassing story). Anyway, I really want to go into labor on my own (I like surprises), but the idea of being sent in today was a little too much. I guess that's just my nature though. I get nervous getting a haircut and I've never gotten a professional massage for the very same reason.


Christi said...

Yippee...YIKES. Isn't is so exciting and so scary to be on the verge of childbirth! Good luck! Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep my finger crossed that your guy decides to come all on his own! You'll do great.

Nicole said...

Just relax :) Childbirth seems scary before it happens, but usually goes just fine. It'll happen at the right time. Good luck!

Cindi said...

Hang in there. You'll be awesome. And I know the hospital story. Hee! Hee! :)

El Gran Miguelito said...

LOL...sorry. I'm too immature to be reading this blog right now.

Liono said...

About ready to explode, eh? That's awesome! Kids are the best. My little boy is a little over two now. Hope things are going good and that the delivery goes nice and easy for you. It's been fun to read your blog and see what you and Kevin have been up to for the past couple years. If you're bored, you can head over to Robyn and my blog at
Good luck, you'll be awesome parents!
Matt and Robyn