Monday, April 7, 2008

General Conference

This past weekend, the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints addressed the members of the Church at a worldwide broadcast. It happens twice a year on Saturday and Sunday for a marathon of inspired messages!

I LOVE General Conference! It is a time that I really look forward to twice a year. I'm lucky to live in Utah, because Conference is broadcast through our TV and we have the luxury of staying in our pajamas. This General Conference was special, in particular, as we sustained a new prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, and his two counselors, Henry B. Eyring and Dieter F. Uchtdorf. A new apostle was also called--Elder D. Todd Christofferson. They call this particular occasion a "solemn assembly" as members of the Church around the world stand and sustain the new prophet. It was such an awesome feeling and privilege to participate in.

Here were a few of my favorite talks:

1. Ronald A. Rasband: He spoke about how our experiences are building blocks of our testimony. He told an awesome story about LDS kids who had to canoe to seminary and school every day. How blessed we are to live in this country!

2. Carlos H. Amado: He talked about service and what kind of person you can be when you serve others and, ultimately, Christ.

3. M. Russell Ballard: He spoke directly to young mothers...about what we can do to be good mothers, fathers, and children. If every young mother wasn't beaming during his talk, I'd be surprised.

I was really sad when former prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley, passed away. I was worried that it would take me a while to get used to the idea of a new prophet. But as soon as I saw Pres. Monson at the first session of General Conference and was able to participate in sustaining him, it was obvious that the mantel had been placed upon him and he truly was the Lord's Prophet.
(I also commented to Kevin that he was looking pretty cute--which I never particularly thought before--but it must happen as you are called to this prophetic standing.) :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You and old men... I'll never understand :) I'm glad you enjoyed conference, though. It's always an uplifting weekend...